Error: Cycle Node. Error during loading game


Today when I updated to 4.22.3 I tried to package game and that was succesfull. When I launched game there was an error:


When I set nativization to disabled (was exclude) it worked once. Third package was excatly the same error.

Question is what does “Cycle Node” means?

Is that infinite loop?

I checked there isn’t any + it works fine in editor and sometimes when it package properly.

I’m posting it here because I’m not sure if that’s a bug.

[link text][2]

Cycle Nodes are objects such as events, function calls, flow control operations, variables, etc. that can be used in graphs to define the functionality of the particular graph and Blueprint that contains it.

Learn all about it here

For the Error go to ASyncLoading.cpp Line 1427

This might help

Thanks for answer!

So what exactly this error means?

If that is “events, function calls, flow control operations, variables, etc” it cannon report that there is a function. So why does error exist?

Somehow nativization was enabled when I relaunched editor. When I disabled nativization everything works.