How can i reward on level screen?

I want to do like this photo

If player get > 15 coin.Than star show up on level select menu. I tried few thinks and it dosent work…And i wanna do this coins and time. How can i do that? Thank you.

Accumulate points in an int variable - keep the var in the Player or Game Mode for ease of access.
When you show the widget, read the value of the variable and compare it to 15, if True, change the opacity of the Star Image from 0.5 to 1.0 - either directly or animate.

For time, you’ve got a couple of options:

  • store Now in a LevelStartTime var when the level starts and check Now again when the level ends. (Now - LevelStartTime) will give you a time span you can format and display.
  • or start a long timer when the level starts, read its handle value when the level is done, format and show

Thank you for answer. Can you send with picture. Bcs i could not.

Here’s the set-up for the coin as Everynone suggested

Get that going first, then work on the time thing

@vicecore Thank you. Consider converting your comment into an answer so OP can flag it as resolved.

ebleh if you want to you can do this too. i will send you a picture for this if needed. Everytime a level ends and the level screen opens you can check an array for the number of points there are for each level and assign star according to that. make sure that each level button is a widget of its own. that way each level button widget can get the information on being constructed and just change the opacity of stars.

btw i didnt read anything up there, but i think i didnt say the exact same thing. sorry if i did.

Nah, you’re more than good, you’re already thinking beyond the scope of a single screen.

Thank you sir :slight_smile: