Only 1 PAK Chunk is generated when packaged

Hey all!

I’ve been having a tough time getting packages to chunk in my one project. I was able to see the chunking work in ShooterGame and tried to copy the settings, but I’m not seeing the same results.

I’ve set up some Primary Asset Labels and set the GenerateChunks and Use Pak File on, but the only chunk that is generated is “pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor.pak” and all of the content is placed in this one pak, when I expected it to be divided into 9 chunks. These are my settings:


This is what the asset audit for chunks looks like:

And this is what the primary asset label audit looks like:

What am I missing? Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated!

I’m still not able to get Primary Asset Labels to work, and I really want them to, but as some small progress, manually assigning a chunk with “Allow ChunkID Assignments” does actually generate a chunk for packages.

I’m still looking for insight if anyone could spare some!

did you try a blank project?

I’m used PrimaryAssetLabel on my template (4.22.3) and it’s working:

chunk ID 0 - main map loading by default. id 1 and 2 just dummy map for testing.

also, I’m trying to add this to the ShooterGame, but there it’s not works - probably because ShooterGameDelegates overriding.

Hey 6r0m, I have tried it in a blank project AND ShooterGame and I was actually able to get both to work. For Shooter, I only had to enable the “Generate Chunks” flag in the package options and everything else had already been set up for chunks.

I haven’t really uncovered any new info about what’s going wrong since I’ve posted, other than noticing if I look at the audit immediately after reloading the engine, it doesn’t recognize any of the asset labels. It’s not until I right click or open the labels that the audit will recognize them.

Thanks for the response and suggestion!

are you able to get fourth chunk in a ShooterGame?

Got it! I wasn’t able to generate a fourth package in ShooterGame, but as I was making an asset label for it, I noticed that the asset I created was a different type than the others. Turns out, I was creating the label wrong! I was making BP child classes of PrimaryAssetLabel, instead of starting with a DataAsset!

I thought I had been so diligent in reading the documentation and looking at the examples, playing around with every setting related to it… but I kept overlooking the way the labels were created.

Thank you very much for the suggestions, I can finally put this one to rest!

Yes, I set it up like this, but there are always no multiple packages. So, I am confused, even suspect that it is an engine problem.

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Excuse me, I am also researching the Generate Chunks, the same as your settings, but in the end only one package, so how to solve it?

just recheck everything, and check in the “project settings/packaging” generate chunks checkbox (not only one pack file)

check explicit assets here:

and asset audit here

also try include only “aaa” here FPS_TEMPLATE - Unreal Editor (235 kb) закачан 22 сентября 2019 г. Joxi

Unfortunately, according to the mapping list it still has not succeeded, I tried to include the examples [bbb] and [ccc], but it still only has one package generated. That’s it, many related methods are not possible. Anyway, I really appreciate your guidance, let me know more about some Engine settings, thank you very much. (^v^)

it’s ok, great that you share it

it’s ok, great that you share it

Oh, I succeeded because my project name did not meet the specifications. When I created the project name in English, it worked. In fact, the previous settings were fine. I am so stupid.


I don’t believe the PrimaryAssetLabel BP works. I have been trying to get this to work for hours and it only ever generates one file. I followed all the above instructions, tried out every possible combination. I used a simele third person shooter project. This functionality is broken.

Luckily the individual assignment of IDs through the experimental feature works