How to prevent player from rotating while rotating camera?

Okay, so I’m developing a third-person action adventure game, and I’m having trouble with the camera settings.

  1. Whenever I rotate the camera, I notice the player rotates with it. What I want is for the camera to rotate around the character while the player does not move at all.
  2. Also, when I tilt the camera upwards, I notice the player’s feet will leave the ground, and he’ll just sort of fly in place with his back to the floor. I’d like for his feet to stay planted on the ground while the camera tilts (yaws?) upwards.

Here are some images of certain parts of the Character Blueprint:

Also, here are the Details settings for the Spring Arm and Camera:

Any tips, tricks, or words of advice would be much appreciated!


Dont know if I catch your question correctly, but I think u must use some input, like If u will press ‘C’ + input axis it must rotate only camera. I mean target must be Camera not self. self is representing hole blueprint.

In your character blueprint there are “Class Default” settings that have check box for “Use Controller Rotation Pitch” and also for Roll and Yaw. Deactivate Pitch and Yaw. Assuming everything else is setup the way you need it, it should work :wink:

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So, I found out how to rotate the camera without affecting the third person character’s own rotation. 3 things:

  1. Under the Character Movement Component in its Character Blueprint, scrolling down to its Character Rotation Settings, I must check the box that says “Orient Rotation to Movement.”

  2. Going over to the Class Defaults and scrolling down to Pawn settings, I must untick the box that says, “Use Controller Rotation Yaw.”

And finally, 3) I must go to the Spring Arm settings, scroll down to Camera Settings, and tick the box that says “Use Pawn Control Rotation.”

And the camera now works just like I want it to :slight_smile:

If anyone requires pictures of my new settings, send a message down below. Thanks!


I was frantically looking around for the solution to this. Thanks so much!


Thank you very much! And you can toggle these settings to get variable controls in the blueprint as well.

Also try disabling “Use Controller Desired Rotation” in Character Movement Component instead of using Orient Rotation

Thank you very much. It was very helpful!

I fixed it, i was using a code that stick character rotation with camera, i have forgot about it so, it works now, Thanks !