Sequencer Actor Binding inconsistent in package

Hi there,

I noticed an inconsistent behaviour between Editor and Package using the Sequencer Binding feature.
I had a character in my sequence marked as spawned and tried to bind my spawned character at runtime.

I removed the flag spawned in the sequence, so I could have my level clean from placeholder characters, since I knew that that cinematic actor would have been replaced by my spawned character.

I was happy of my smart intuition because in editor it worked, but in package build it didn’t.
I understand that this option could be borderline, and that maybe it’s not the way you want it to be used,
but I’d be better if the editor is consistent with the package and prevents the user from binding actors that are spawnable or that will not work in package.

I’m attaching a simple example project that demonstrates this inconsistency.

That was the same intuition I’ve had and I was sure that it is the way.

This is the current behavior. If sequencer spawnables are marked as unspawned, they will be stripped on packaging. The reason is that this was before the ability to replace bindings at runtime was supported. In the future, we’re looking to make that a user toggleable feature (enable/disable bindings to be stripped on packaging).

In the meantime, you could use an empty actor for your spawnable and keep the spawn track.