How can i transfer a variable from a bp to another one?

Ive been working on a inventory system, everything works fine except one thing.
When I use an item its supose to stay on the section for that specific item but it always end up on weapons.
Everythings work on the other blueprint and at tested everything with string and the problem is only when i tried to send my variable. Its like if my variable reset to the first type in my list.
What can i do?

This is not enough info. We know nothing about the way you set it up.

U can save ur variable in gameinstance for example < or somewhere outside of ur blueprint and try to Cast and get this variable from other blueprints.

There are multiple ways you can do this
If there’s a way for those two blueprints to communicate you just cast to it, otherwise you can use an event dispatcher.
An event dispatcher allows you to call an event when another event in another blueprint is fired.
Another alternative would be to use an interface.
Hope that helps!