Animation Inquiries

I’m very new to UE4 so right now i’m trying to learn how to animate attacks/abilities. I have an attack animation that looks good while viewing it in the editor but once I actually use this animation in game it doesn’t look the same. It seems like there is no hip rotation at all when i’m play testing. Is there a step i’m missing?

Animation in Editor: Screen capture - 1a7a58548dd1a21841abfbba3322f021 - Gyazo
Animation at Runtime: Screen capture - 7a48de1d1bab4084399927f419ad8eab - Gyazo

Probably a lot of things inside the character blueprint.
Aside from that, which you just have to learn about and it is a lengthy process, are you playing this animation as a montage?
If so, it is very likely that the montage is slotted to only play on the upper body by design.

What I would do, is to create an animation curve for the hip rotation, and create a system that would apply that rotation once the montage is played based on the montage curve value so that it is automatically perfectly synced.
You will still sacrifice some of your twist at the legs, but at least your character can move about while attacking.

Given those are pretty advanced techniques, I would suggest you start with watching the unreal live training videos for animating the Paragon characters. They are a great overall deep dive into the whole process and what it entails.

i would rather recommend watching the videos of other youtubers. personally i feel like watching 1 hour of a video is just a waste. you can watch videos as small as 30 mins and still learn more. but everyone has their preferences.

Preferences and all of that, but you should also consider the fact that the people on the live training are professionals usually creating AAA games. (And in the case of the paragon stuff illustrating theories that you need to literally apply and figure out yourself) Youtubers not so much very generally speaking…

Thanks for the replies guys! I’ll make sure to give those videos a watch.