Charact slow down while shooting

The Player should not automatically slow down while shooting unless you are the max speed to a lower value.

Also for the player constantly shooting after you move your cursor from the button, you can use the on released event.

Hi guys please anyone can help me.
I amking a third person game for mobile and when i press shoot my character slowing down u til i’m shooting if i stop shooting he start increase the speed. My game is a kind of endless runner with airplane. Also if i move the cursor top of the button its shooting constantly i tried to work with do once but it didn’t work.

,You could have separate states for Moving and Movig while shootingand have difgetent speeds for both. or you mihht be switching to walking mode while shooting. Try making the speeds equal if they’re not. Or post your BP so we can see more

So this is my blueprint for shooting. I do not need to press anything to run forward because my character does it alone. I just need to switch sides and shoot. !

Your shooting BP doesn’t look like it affects running at all, can you show us the movement BP?

Also, the Fire event is just an input?

Yes it is just an input

These are the movement BP

What’s the “InputAxis Move Right” node do? you seem to switch lanes by button presses.
And can you screenshot the rest of the touch input BP?
Also, did you try the collision detection with the bullets mentioned below? I doubt you’d even set the bullets to collide with your player but you never know.

yep missi i think this is exactly whats happening.

Yes, I tried and its working now. Thank you very much for the help guys :slight_smile:

don make your comment a answer so misi can mark the issue as resolved.

I think you’re colliding with the bullet while running, change your bullet spawn point (say 500 in front of where it is now) and see if this is still happening.

Sorry I completely forgot about that. Should be okay now. Always happy to help. :slight_smile: