Destroy destructible mesh via blueprints?

I have a glass pane destructible mesh, and when it is hit by a specific item, it will destroy the mesh. At least, that’s what I want it to do. I have tried EVERYTHING, and I cannot get it to work. Here’s my blueprint:

Assuming the cast does not fail here (can you confirm?), how did you set up the destructible?

as Everynone said, does the cast fail?

The cast does not fail. No errors show up, so I assume its something to do with how I set up the destructible. Is there some specific setting I have to enable?

im not sure how you set it up, but from what i can remember you need to enable impact / radial damage in the destructible mesh settings. you may also need to change the damage threshold etc.

The cast does not fail. No errors show

Failed cast does not throw errors. You can Print String from the Cast Failed pin, though. Or Print String after applying damage. Just to make sure it executes.

Also how are you hitting it? Can you confirm the node fires?

[…]so I assume its something to do with
how I set up the destructible.

Technically, you do not need anything specific enabled for this to simply work. You must fracture the mesh - perhaps that’s it! Is it fractured? When you move the Explode Amount slider, can you see the chunks fly about?

Image from Gyazo

You can use the debug filter and observe the graph to see what’s going on if you shun Prints Strings:

Image from Gyazo

I did On Component Hit, but it doesn’t even activate if I use an actor. I have it set so that when I am holding an object (BP_Interactable in this case) I can throuw it, and when I do, it hits the destructible but it doesn’t do anything. When I don’t do the casting, it works fine with the player, but not the BP. It’s simulating physics and it has collision so I have no idea why this is happening. Might have to do this via a box collision.

The easiest way to test it is to hook it up to a key, so you do not need to rely on potentially incorrectly set up collision.

Press F → Apply Radius Damage.

Once you have that working, you can start worrying about collision.

Btw, the above was done on default settings, I used one of the engine cube meshes.

This may seem odd, but have you tried a different mesh entirely with the same BP setup? If not, try with something like a cube - create a DM out of it and see if that acts differently. I’ve experienced weird things where the DM was the issue itself not breaking via BP but would otherwise. I cant remember exactly what the issue was with the mesh (maybe had holes or something), but at least that might get you a step further if it is the mesh itself.

It doesn’t work with ANY mesh. I’ve tried like 5 other meshes, it does the same thing

It works with the player, and the Apply Radius Damage node work well, but not with object meshes like a box