How can i use this variable(A little like Namedbreak)

Hi, guys. I need your help.

I am currently testing live links to reflect morph data. In this process, I want to connect the same variable as the attached image to the ‘Set Morph Target’ Node, but I can not separate the variable name and float(Named Curve), which are obtained from LiveLink, into Name and Float.
If you know how to use these variables, please ask for help.


The variable is not a single value ,its a container of pairs of names + floats. To read it you will have either iterate through it or use a Key (a name), to access the float you want.

You can use a for loop on the keys of the map to access all the values in it like this:

This way if the key is the same name you want to set you use it and if not you discard it. Althought I belive in your case you would want to use all of them since livelink is most probably modifying a lot of the morph targets in your mesh.

Hope this helps. Make it a great day!

I would like to thank you very much.
Your answer was exactly what I wanted. thank you. friend.
To have a good day for you