Why is my static mesh turning black?

I am working on making a simple low poly game, and am using blender to model my assets. I made a little tree and was going to import it just to test it out in the engine. I imported the fbx file, edited the material, everything seemed to be fine, but when I tried to build the lighting it just turned completely black, although if I move it, it goes back to normal. I’ve gone to 5 or 6 different posts, all having the same issue and every one just says to set the light resolution to 512, and make sure the index was set to 1, and it fixed the issue for everyone else, but not for me, not at all. I also saw a post where the solution was to actually add a static mesh cause apparently, it didn’t have it, but that was unhelpful. It gives me a warning message saying that it has a null static mesh property. Does anyone know any way to help me out?


Usually when a mesh turns to black after light build is that they don’t have a proper lightmap uv ready to receive and after visualize the calculated lighting information!
The resolution and uv channel index is not a fixed rule!! Some can have their lightmap uvs on a different channel!
Usually it is on 1! …specially when people use the auto generated uvs from Unreal with only a material uv assigned to the mesh!
The other probability is that the mesh is fully reflective and you don’t have a reflection capture in that area…

But I’m guessing it’s going to be the missing lightmap uv!

Hi there, you already found the solution?