Niagara Inherit Collision Normal in Secondary Emitter

hello all.
I’m trying to orient a mesh emitter to a collision object in Niagara.
I have rain falling which collides with objects in the scene, triggering a collision event. Then a second emitter receives the event, and emits a mesh (crown splash shape).
I want to orient my splash to the normal of collision object.
I’ve been playing with taking the inherited particle velocity, reflecting it etc. and mapping this to the Particle.InitialRoation and Particle.MeshOrientation. but I can’t get the result.
I figure I need to inherit the collision normal? and apply this to the splash particles initial rotation.
And maybe some general guidance on how to pass an attribute from one emitter to another?
I’m new to unreal, so be gentle :slight_smile:
thanks in advance, ben.

I have the same question