UE 4.22 Plugin C++ 17


I have a problem getting my 3 modules to build enabling C++ 17.
So I added the “CppStandard = CppStandardVersion.Cpp17” to all the Build.cs files (the 3 modules).

Compilation works but when linking I get an error about incompatible precompiled headers.

1>…\Plugins\PluginA\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\DebugGame\ModuleA\Module.ModuleA.cpp : error C2855: command-line option ‘/std:c++’ inconsistent with precompiled header
1>…\Plugins\PluginA\Source\ModuleA\Private\ModuleA.cpp(20): warning C5043: ‘operator delete’: exception specification does not match previous declaration

Can anyone help me? I’m a bit stuck with this and would need to use c++17 features :/.