Join Session boots client to Main Menu

Hey all !
I’m having an issue that whenever I call Join Session it boots the client window back to my main menu. This occurs when anyone calls Join Session. I’m mainly having trouble debugging this as the call stack only shows things after Event Begin Play, which isnt very helpful. Any suggestions on how I can see what my blueprints are doing between the Join Session call and the boot to Main Menu?

bump for visibility

With further digging I should clarify that it pushes the client to the default map. So now the question is why am I getting returned to a default map on Create/Join Session calls and how do I debug that? I get 2 Event NetworkError calls with “Net Driver Already Exists” and “Failure Received”.

With further digging I should clarify that it pushes the client to the default map. So now the question is why am I getting returned to a default map on Create/Join Session calls and how do I debug that? I get 2 Event NetworkError calls with “Net Driver Already Exists” and “Failure Received”.

Hey Herbie216,

Would you mind providing a screenshot of your Blueprint setup?