Component Hierarchy - Like in AActor, but in USceneComponent

Hi All,

I am trying to create a component that can swap its child component(s) when a property value changes and display this component hierarchy in an actor.

A simple example would be my parent component originally contains a UBoxCollision and changing a property value swaps this UBoxCollision to a USphereCollision. Currently, swapping child component has been successful, but the child does not show up in the actor’s component hierarchy window even though through the viewport I can see that the box collision has been changed to a sphere collision.

I have been trying to use CreateDefaultSubobject to add my child component to my parent component but to no avail. When tested with AActor, CreateDefaultSubobject will add components and show them in component hierarchy window in the order as expected.

Is such component hierarchy achievable? If this is possible, how can I do it?