BP exposed c++ exec multiple times activated

Is it possible to have an execoutput on a BP-exposed C++ function that fires multiple times?
What I try to do is the following:

void Example(const int& i, const int& j, int& output, EMyEnum& Branches)
	for ( int x = i; x < j; x++)
		output = x;
		Branches = EMyEnum::UpperExec;
	Branches = EMyEnum::LowerExec;

So now the Upper exposed Exec fires every forloop and I can read the “output” Pin to do something with it every time and when it’s finished it I have the lower exec as finished?
The alternative would be to put the stuff from the loop in an array of a struct (it’s more than just a simple int unfortunately) that can hold all the information from within the forloop, but that’s not doable (for me) because when I make a struct containing an array or a struct with an aray in it (array in array) I can’t expose that to BP, because it’s allegedly not supported by BP. Though making an array in array struct in BP works without problems.