Make a UUserWidget private in plugin

I’m creating a plugin (in C++) which contains multiple UUserWidget child classes, and I would know how to prevent the user from using them in Blueprints.
I have a main widget that I would like the user to use, and hide the other sub-widgets of my plugin when the user use the BP function “Create Widget”.

Here is an example :

#pragma once

#include "Blueprint/UserWidget.h"
#include "ClickableArea.generated.h"

UCLASS(Abstract, NotBlueprintable, NotPlaceable)
class UClickableArea : public UUserWidget {



And when I try to create a widget in BP, the ClickableArea is listed and I don’t want.

It is possible to do that ?
I’ve tried to put header in private folder, or with some UCLASS specifiers, but it doesn’t solve my problem.

Thanks for the help !

EDIT: I tried to put the header of my UCLASS in the private folder like the answers of [this post][2] but it doesn’t work :confused:

Does the UCLASS specifier HideDropdown exhibit the behavior you are expecting?

I would test it myself on my end but I’m waiting for the engine to compile ;]

UCLASS(Abstract, NotBlueprintable, NotPlaceable, HideDropdown)

Thanks for the answer, but it’s not working :frowning: