How make light sensors?

Hi guys

I am making a kind of “light simulator” and i was asking myself: How make sensor in UE4 ?
Like, you are in a room and you have one window. I would like to place a sensor in the middle of the room and know if there is a lot of luminosity or not.

I would be very thankful if smd help me.

Super janky way to do it. Create a bp with a cube and a scene capture component. Have the scene capture component be ortho with a resolution of 1x1. Capture to a render target and grab the colour from that. You know the base value so you should be able to get some idea of the scene luminosity.

Pretty sure there is no way of doing that at least in blueprints. you will have to either create some bp components with trigger boxes or use some kind of line trace method or even if that doesnt work you will have to create your cpp code.

Hi thanks for your answer.

I don’t know if understand well, but u mean something like this :

But i have to get precisely the luminosity, to make a kind of “e-lux meter”.