Multiple homing rocket launcher

I have a missile turret where I want to fire Multiple homing rockets from for multiple targets what I now have is a multi box trace for object where I get the amount of hit actors and it fires the right amount of rockets from th arrows but I need to know how to give my rockets the targets. At max it can fire 8 rockets in 1 go but it can stil fire less if there are not 8 targets in sight. My rocket bp is a simple sphere with impuls and collision

Can sombody help me with the homing aspect of my rocket. Thanks

Find your actor I don’t know how do you want to do then add projectile movement. It has homing feature.

I use a multiBoxTraceForObjects so I get multiple actors but I need to know how to set them as homing targets I want to fire missiles at all targets hit by the trace except for when there are more than 8 than I only want to fire 8 rockets to 8 targets i have never worked with arrays before so don’t know a lot about it


take a look at this thread, it’s exactly what you want:

Have fun

How does it work? Because I do not get how to do it i need to get the actors my multiboxtrace hits and set al the ones that are hit to homing targets

If you don’t know how to hit targets then I would suggest something:

Place collider that will collide with actor you want (collision settings) set generate overlap events bind event to on begin overlap and use some hit function to subtract health from enemy. If you don’t have such system for health you will probabaly need to create one.

Is that clear engouh now?

I am not using it for a game or such I am just making it for on my portfolio and i’m also not realy the best with BP so some things i still don’t get i just need to make the array of actors i get from my multiboxtrace to cast to my homing projectile that is the part where i’m stuck

It works i found a way to make it work but thanks for helping