Problems at jumping

latelty I had found weird the default jump in the third person template, so after some math i found that with an initial velocity of 4.42944 m/s I should be able to make a jump of 0.187027 secs, and get a maximum height of around 1 m if the gravity is 9.81m/s^2 , I am using a block of 100 units as reference to check the jump, so I went to the event graph of the maniquin (thirdpersoncharacter), in the character movment tab I used a Gravity Scale of 1 and a jump Z velocity of 4.42944. but when I compile and run the game, the maniquin dosent jump as high as it soupposed to be, I would dare to say that dosen even get over 20 units in hight, even though the amount of time for the jump seems right, but without a way to actually prove it might be wrong too, anyone know why this happens or how to fix it?, my guess is that ue4 is using different units but so far nothing make sense