Behaviour of meshes with LOD's

I want to create a mesh of tree which has 3 lods. While theLOD is 3rd, it should appear as a 2D mesh ( or like that 2d textured mesh in side scroller game), when we go near that mesh, the lod changes to 2 and the 2d mesh should change to 3d.
Is there any way to do so?

(PUBG mobile uses this technique for tree meshes, when we’re far from them, trees looks like 2d, but when we go near them or zoom in with scope, they turn into a 3d mesh)

Are you asking about the LOD system in general or this specific transition which you want to do between level 2 (static mesh) and level 3 (plane with texture)?

LOD system is available in UE4 and you can set even more levels than 3. You can modify when the transition should occur and how aggressive the structure reduction should be.