What the reference should be for cast node of triggerBP

I watched tutorial of event dispatcher which send dispatch from characterBP to other kind of BP.
but I could not succeed send trigger BP to other kind of BP.

here is the trigger BP

And this is character BP

and level is like this

I confirmed when the character overlap to trigger , print node prints “hello” in trigger BP.
Point is casting to triggerBP does not working well in charaBP.
I set cast object as trigger BP.
how will it work fine??

I hope to get advice for my blueprint scripting.

Ok pal - I looked this over and figured out the setup you want

Step 1 - Inside character BP, create a new variable and make the variable type the “Trigger BP”

Step 2 - Inside the Trigger BP on EventBeginPlay, cast to your character and set the new variable you created “Trigger BP” to “Self”. Then create and call the event dispatcher

Step 3 - Inside character BP, bind dispatcher to new reference. Fire a custom event confirmation print (See pic 1)

When set up correctly, you overlap the trigger - print will confirm event dispatcher is working. I assume this is just an exercise in using event dispatchers, as there is really no need for one in this case. What is it you are trying to achieve exactly? Anyway hope this helps

Thank you very much vicecore. I appreciate for the post. That’s exactly what I wished to know.
I’m afraid that I am at excercise phase. And it seemed very complex to do. I could not come up with the idea that setting trigger BP reference as “self” inside the TriggerBP.

no problem man, my pleasure