C++ functioned called by blueprints crashes after several calls

Hi all,

I have a bit of a convoluted method for communicating with my player state in my networking project which includes a series of Blueprint interface message passes (from actor collison box ->serverside controller->playerstate->clientside controller->hud). I’m sure there is a better way of doing this but its what i have working so far for my other function calls. However, one of my c++ functions which comes from a subobject in my player state crashes when it is called, but only after i have had several dozen interface calls.

I’ve tracked the start of the crash all the way to the actual c++ function call from my playerstate blueprint.

void UMyAttributes::SetAttribute(EAttributesEnum Attribute, uint8 newAbilityScore, bool bIsBase)
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Start"));
	if (MyAttributes.IsValidIndex(0)&&newAbilityScore)
		TArray<FAttributes> ModifiedAttribute = MyAttributes;

		ModifiedAttribute[GetAttributeIndex(Attribute)].AbilityScore = newAbilityScore;
		ModifiedAttribute[GetAttributeIndex(Attribute)].AbilityModifier = floor(((((float)newAbilityScore) - 10) / 2));

		bIsBase ? MyAttributes = ModifiedAttribute : MyAttributes_Temp = ModifiedAttribute;
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("End"));

The crash happens before the UE_LOG writes “Start”, but after the node in blueprints right before this function call.

class TOPDOWN_API UMyAttributes : public UObject

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Attributes")
		void SetAttribute(EAttributesEnum Attribute, uint8 newAbilityScore, bool bIsBase);

    class TOPDOWN_API AMyPlayerState : public APlayerState
    	AMyPlayerState(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);
          UMyAttributes* Abilities;

AMyPlayerState::AMyPlayerState(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) {

	Abilities = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UMyAttributes>(this, TEXT("ABILITIES"));

In my playerstate i make it to the print:

Can you provide logs from crash, in Saved/Logs of your project directory

Thanks for the reply. Here is the log, It runs into an unknown function fatal error.
link text