Controlling timing for movement


Basically my character move from platform to platform in a single “dash” or “rush”, I aim at the platform, click fire and the player move toward that position at a certain speed until a collision happens, in which case the player will stop moving.

Now what Im trying to set up is something I call an “insta-dash”, which is basically, if the player reclick somewhere in the 1 or 2 seconds following a collision, than he will instead insta-dash, which is basically just dashing at a faster speed. If he fails to input fire during that 1 or 2 second time, then he will instead do a regular dash.

Can somebody help me set it up? I don’t know what node to use to compare and stuff. Visual help would be much appreciated :slight_smile:


I think timers will be best here, you could use delays, but you cant stop delay to execute ferther. So set timer on collision and set some bool, on fire if bool is set do this insta dash and stop and reset timer, in binded function to timer you set bool back to false.

Also you should plug delta time from scale of movment, they its set up right now movment depends on fps, users with more fps will move faster as add movment is called more frequintly