Local multiplayer user profiles

Following the tutorial on the Unreal Engine official YouTube for local multiplayer, I wonder if there is a way to setup for persistent local user profiles. For example, on main menu local players could create/load a personal profile with stats and earned rewards unique to their profile. In my case it wouldn’t be online. Is this something to approach through the identity interface? I’d appreciate it if anyone could kindly point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.

the Identity Interface is for managing player identity with online services. So that would be online.

Which online Service you can use and how to implement them depends highly on your target platform. For example GameCenter only on iOS, no Steam for Mobile and so on. There are online services that offer ready to use cross-platform backends with player identity, matchmaking and more. Epic is working on a free cross-platform online service: Epic Online Services | Services

If in your case offline saving and loading of player profiles is enough, you could simply implement a save game function.
Not difficult to set up, see here: Saving and Loading Your Game | Unreal Engine Documentation

Take Unreal’s gameplay framework into account when setting up your save game. For example the GameInstance will be persistent throughout a game session, while other classes like the PlayerController will be reset when traveling to new levels and are not suitable to store persistent data. Other important classes during matches are the GameState and the PlayerState. Those can keep track of Score and Achievements.
More on that here: Gameplay Framework | Unreal Engine Documentation
