Error when downloading UE4.22 from the source in windows

Hello!I couldn’t download the Engine from Epic Games launcher(button just didn’t work) and decided to try to download directly from the source.Long story short,after all the agony,when I try to compile UE4 he gives me somethings strange in errors:

I am russian and use russian version on Vusual Studio,so from the unknow errors I can only translate the last one:
finished with code 5.Make sure you have enough rights to utilize the command
I thought there was problem with admin rights and opened visual studio as admin,but is still gave mistake.
What I did literally step-by-step:
made a clone on C disk using SmarGit
Redircted in new folder of UnrealEngine in CMD and wrote setup and,after the installation was complete,ran GenerateProjectFiles
Than I downloaded UnrealVS,opened UE4.sln through visual studio,selected UnrealsVS in optins,selected what you see on the screen and ran ‘start’.At the end of installation it gave me such mistakes.I’ve alredy tried reinstall it,in the first time there were even more errors.