Merge actors material slot missing


I’m trying to merge multiple actors in my scene into one merged actor to optimize performance.
When I merged the actors, everything with the same material has a unique material slot.
However, one actor within that merged actor has no slot assigned to it and has the standard unreal checker pattern assigned.

There is no way I currently know how to select those actors and assign a material to it.’

Here’s a picture to help make things clearer:

As you can see there’s no material slot for the floor that has the checker pattern material.

I’m using unreal engine 4.21.2

If there is a way to somehow fix this or if anyone might know what could be the cause of this, I would very much appreciate it.

I was having the same problem and got here while looking for an answer.

Meanwhile I got to solve it, at least in my case. So I will post what I did just in case it helps someone else.

What happened in my file is that I had duplicated a material so I had two identic materials. I wanted to keep it that way to have two groups separated. But it looks like Unreal has a problem when merging meshes with materials with the same characteristics. So what I did was modify one of the materials, merge the meshes and then bring the material back to how it was before.


Thank you, that helped me!

Thank you! It solved my problem!

amazing thank you