C++ set font at 4.4

Hello, i’m looking this tutorial and there’s all fine, but my font isn’t adding to the hud.
In Runtime there always message:

"Default Property warning and errors: Error: CDO Constructor: Failed to find /Engine/EngineFonts/Roboto51"

So i tried with font assets from shooter game and at this way HUDFontOb not NULL, but also no font on screen

 static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UFont>HUDFontOb(TEXT("/Game/UI/HUD/Roboto51"));

And this way with .ttf

static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UFont>HUDFontOb(TEXT("/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"));

I’m Drawing with

DrawText(PowerLevelString, FColor:White, 50, 50, HUDFont);

So i’m not completely understand what to use"ttf or asset" and where to make path: engine or inside project folder
Need help

Ok i just found, that problem was very newbie.
I had

FString::Printf(TEXT("%10.1"), FMath::Abs...

and forgot to put “f” symbol after 1.