How really reliable "reliable RPC" is?

In Short: Is this possible that server RPC sometimes didnt received from client even when marked as Reliable?
And is this possible to fix that(maybe some configs). Maybe there some timeouts preventing even reliable receiving.

I implemented dash teleport as ability for movement component, to get rid of lag errors.
Every time when on client called teleport for current move it send info to server, that server could replay and approve client move and dont call ClientAdjustment, (preventing some visual glitches for a player).

UFUNCTION(Reliable, Server, WithValidation)
void ServerPerformTeleport(FVector Destination, FRotator Rotation, bool UseSweep, UPrimitiveComponent* InTeleportTargetComponent, int32 InMoveTeleportCounter);

As reference I used this tutorial: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums

Game movement greatly improved during big lags and mostly works, but rarely, maybe 1-3 times per game session, player adjusted somewhere to previous teleport location.

Through logging I found that when issue occured - server never receive that “reliable server rpc” and teleportation on server was performed to last known teleport target location instead current target.

All my teleports has a counter for debug purposes which sended to server too, so I absolutely ensured that actual RPC was called from client and server didnt receive it, even later. Of course next calls received as usual.

What to do to ensure that server receive this data if client-to-server call can fail? Sending twice in a row seem’s not helping.