Mesh Shadows not baking darker on floor mesh

Please see attached. I am having issues with shadows not baking dark enough on the floor mesh. As you can see the shadows are baking on the walls correctly and barely on the floor. I used the same material on the floor as I did on the walls. Also all light maps have been set to 2k+.

Thanks in advance!


I got it to work!! I think I watched every lighting tutorial and not one warned me that shadows get a lot darker on high/production light builds. I mean its completely different in the amount of darkness you get out of the preview and medium light builds. Is there something I can do to improve the preview representation of the lighting i will get on my production builds? At this point I don’t even know if I want to use the preview light build quality. Any tips would be appreciated.

Thank You,


Ok I just lost my message!! :S
So I try again, I guess it will be a lot shorter! :S

So it’s not true this is why nobody told you! This is your settings that causing it!!
Preview is for what it says!! It won’t be anything near to the final look! It’s fast and you’ll get a guess about your whole lighting/look!
You can get pretty nice results in medium build!! And if your settings are ok then you can go higher for cleaner results: the major look won’t change!
The problem with your settings:
0.75 is not low enough for fine details
1 for quality is like ZERO!! Start with 4 if you’re after archviz look and maybe you’ll need to go as high as 10…
1 for smoothness will blur out your small details + you’ll get shading differences, you’ll need to go lower
Ambient occlusion at this stage when you’re struggling with your lighting is just gives more confusion: I would turn it off till you don’t get a nice clean result without it!
Environment intensity I wouldn’t touch: can cause faulty results.
And finally compressed lightmaps are also a bad idea: will produce compressed look! Dirty/blotchy look! I would turn it off!