I am planning on making a survival game and I am wondering how I would go about making a town with buildings that have simple interiors where you can collect supplies. Similar to PUBGs looting system.

How would i design a bunch of buildings with interiors without wasting alot of time? I would be using blender.

First of all, you should have just made the question be: how to create a looting system or something and not give a whole explanation.

Second of all a looting system is a not a very simple thing, you will have to search for pickup system on youtube or something. i would not recommend starting of with this system unless you are a medium-experience ue4 user.

these are the things you would wanna prepare before getting into looting system which is similar to pubg’s looting system. pretty sure you are a new user so i think you will have to look up all these.

→ a inventory. this is the main part of the whole thing. you would want the player to be able to store items.
→ Items. create different items that you want to be able to pickup using the inventory system.
→ a box collision or something attached to the player. if you want the player to go right up to the item to be able to pick it up then this is what you need. each item which is a inventory item will show up in a list and then you can drag it into your inventory. you can use a line trace method instead if thats not what you want.