AI detection not working in Shipping package

Our AI are using 2 different ways for perception currently. The problematic AI (our second AI) is using the perception component. In editor, the perception seemed to be working fine. However in the shipping package, the AI was unable to detect the player while within the perception radius. We figured this out by shipping it in debugging mode and viewing the AI debug mode. We do not think it’s a navmesh problem as using the console command “show navigation” reveals the navmesh and it looks proper. As we did more testing, the problem revealed itself to be inconsistent on the editor.

As a temporary measure, we used the agrocheck from our first AI to replace the perception component. Agrocheck code at the bottom. As a reference, our AIOne does not have any detection problems. During the first few iterations of our package after implementing this change, AITwo began working fine. However, the problem seems to have arisen once more. It still only affects AITwo

Additional information:

  1. Engine version is 4.19.2
  2. RecastNavMesh is set to rebuild on load
  3. RecastNavMesh has runtime generation set to static
  4. We’ve tried converting the project to a later version of Unreal. However, this did not solve the issue. Thus, we are staying with the current 4.19 version.

This is our progress working on this problem so far. If you want more information, please tell us. Thank you for your time.

We’ve rebuilt our AITwo from the bottom up. It’s working in our shipping packages now.