UI Widget Pre Construct

So I’m building an RPG combat UI that populates a party stats widget based on the current party - so if you have 4 members, it will add 4 “Character Panel” widgets and populate them with each character’s name, HP, etc.

I’m using the Pre Construct node to add some default panels with placeholder names so I can see what the UI will look like in the designer. But when I run the game, it’s adding these along with the ones I’m adding in Construct, so I’ve got a double-sized party with a bunch of fake entries.

Is this not what this feature is meant to be used for? Is there a checkbox somewhere to disable it when actually running the game? Do I just need to delete those widgets in Construct before adding the real ones? Should I keep them and just update the data inside to the correct values, rather than adding more panels?

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Sounds like you’re adding the same set of panels twice. The better approach might be to leave your Pre Construct as-is and modify your Construct to modify the panels to update the placeholder names to be the ones you really want.

No, they’re two different sets of panels - one is just placeholders created with a loop and using an array of names so I can see the UI populated in the designer, the other is creating them from game data at runtime. I actually just figured it out, it was really obvious and I’m just dumb. I’ll post a reply below.

OK, I’m dumb. If anyone else is having this issue, the answer is to use the “Is Design Time” bool on the Pre Construct node.



Haha thanks for admitting it and posting the answer. I was trying to figure what that boolean did.