Read data in Editor Utility Widget from another class


I wounder if there is some way to read data in Editor Utility Widget from another class during PIE?

Basically my current setup is that I have an updated array of an EditorUtilityWidget sub class (2) created in an actor, and I’d like to send that array to my parent EditorUtilityWidget.

It seems like you can’t e.i. run a function from the parent EditorUtilityWidget in the actor during PIE. Am using a custom event called in construction script for the actor.

The event trigger that sends an updated integer (ID) to the actor, is from a button in the EditorUtilityWidget sub class (1) via event dispatcher. That works fine. It also works fine to set the event dispatcher directly in the parent EditorUtilityWidget and call the EventDispatcher in EditorUtilityWidget sub class (1). This will then send the SubClass (1) ID.

The problem is that when using the event dispatcher directly from EditorUtilityWidget sub class (1) to parent EditorUtilityWidget, the array won’t be added in length. I am creating the EditorUtilityWidget sub class (2) in the parent and adding it to an array on every button event from the instance of EditorUtilityWidget sub class (1).

I did a similar test in GamePlay and that works but the main difference is that obviously am now only using a UserWidget.
The setup there is to send the integer (ID) from the UserWidget sub class (1) instance on Button Event to the PlayerController via EventDispatcher. From there I use another EventDispatcher set in the parent UserWidget and called in PlayerController. In the parent UserWidget I now create the UserWidget sub class (2) which will be a child of the parent UserWidget, and added to array. The array now successfully updates according to its length.

Any tips of workflow is appreciated, thanks.

Just found out that if going for the workflow of sending (ID) from SubClass (1) to actor via EventDispatcher, you get to retrieve the data etc. via the “GetAllLevelActors” node from the editor scripting, used e.i. in parent EditorUtilityWidget.