Spawn a bullet in socket position


I want spawn a bullet(projectile) in a socket place . but it doesent happen and it spawn in different position near the socket ( may near the skeletal mesh).

void APlayerCharacter::Fire()
	if (bulletClass != NULL)
		FVector spawnLocation;
		FRotator spawnRotation;
		firstPersonSkeletalMesh->GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation("FirePlaceSocket", spawnLocation, spawnRotation);
		UWorld* world = GetWorld();
		ABullet* bullet = world->SpawnActor<ABullet>(bulletClass, spawnLocation, spawnRotation);	
	firstPersonSkeletalMesh->PlayAnimation(fireAnimation, false);

It have problem ?
I put a socket in front of weapon;

Have you tested if the socket is in the right position? You can add the
projectile to the Socket in the Mesh Editor (where you created the socket).
Maybe it’s a bit offset.

yes. can put a picture from it in first post now

const FRotator SpawnRotation = FRotationMatrix::MakeFromX(Location - Weapon->GetSocketLocation(FName(TEXT(“MuzzleFlashSocket”)))).Rotator();
const FVector SpawnLocation = Weapon->GetSocketLocation(FName(TEXT(“MuzzleFlashSocket”)));
UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
if (World != NULL)
World->SpawnActor(ProjectileClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation);

I am calculating rotation form hit point location (Line Trace) - socket rotation. Alwsa if u wanna add smth to socket u should use deffered atachment:

Flashlight = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<USpotLightComponent>(this, TEXT("FlashLight"));
	Flashlight->AttachParent = Weapon;
	Flashlight->AttachSocketName = FName(TEXT("MuzzleFlashSocket"));

Alwso your are spawnning bullet which has collsion on itself so probably that cause your bullet to sapwn next to weapon. U can adapt it to your needs.