How do I make my character stop breaking reality when uncrouching?

you could do a trace from the feet to where the top of the capsule would be at full height and if theres a hit do a branch that prevents the execution. basically do a height check before uncrouching.

I have my own custom crouching system set up for animations with an even more custom First-Person character because the default stuff is shoddy as heck (Here it is)

The only problem with this is that the player can uncrouch while under anything and phase through objects. They can’t move, mind you, and just get straight up pushed out if their collision hull can find a way to escape, but it’s still bad regardless. I have no idea what exactly I could do to make the player be able to check if they SHOULD be able to stand up when “crouched”.


I tried this and it seems alright but another problem arose, the character can no longer just stand up within objects like before, but if he were to go to the edge of an object (that is beside air), and then stand up and move into the object at the same time, he stands up and still gets stuck into it. I checked the line trace’s debug visibility, and the reason why this happens soon became very obvious. The line trace is, well, a line, and the line can’t really get a general area of what’s above the player, just one spot.
If you’re curious as to what I did exactly, here’s the blueprints.

You could use a shape trace. This can check a volume the same size as your collision capsule, and will tell you if the player can stand up. MultiCapsuleTraceByChannel is probably what you need, but check this page to be sure.

Thanks, it worked. No more reality-bending nonsense.