Best workflow for Importing Static Mesh To Socket and Maintaining Position

If I import a character from an fbx, and he’s wearing a hat, and I want to parent the hat to a socket on the head, I cannot figure out a way to attach this mesh to a socket and have it be in the right position, it’s always got position offset (sometimes rotation, but this is less concerning) and it’s fiddly to get it to the exact same position as it was in maya.

There’s a few pieces to this, and Ive tried a lot of combinations:
Maya Fbx export Settings
Position of Mesh in Maya
Unreal Mesh Import Settings

I can’t seem to find the combination of them to Import a mesh, parent it to a socket and then not have to manually move it into the correct position. Is there a good workflow to do this? or am I stuck manually adjusting every time I add something to a socket.