My model looks good in preview but not in actual game itself

Hello. When I was building my game I noticed that in game models are not looking as good as preview models. Here is how my model looks in preview:

and here is how it looks in actual game:

What do you guys can recommend me to make in game models more look like preview? Is it about lighting or something else ?

The model looks better in preview because there is a cubemap to make reflections look nice. Use either a sky light with a cubemap of your space scene or use a scene cubemap in the post processing to simulate reflections of the surroundings. Placing Sphere Reflection Captures in your scene might help if you have stationary or static lightning in your scene.

Hope it helps. Have a nice day.

Wow. Looks like post process volume and skylight were exactly what I need for my scene. I still need to play around with values to get perfect result though. Thanks!