Is possible to assign a postprocessing volume to a single character blueprint?

Hi, I did a tutorial for an outline material (the one with a cow from Unreal live training), but, the thing is I want to assign my main character a black outline, the enemies a red one and no outline to the other level assets, but I couldn’t find anything on the matter, only that such thing is possible. So is that really possible? If it is… how?

Thanks anyways in advance.

What you want to do is possible with Custom Depth Stencils. Its not super simple but once you make it once it becomes easier to understand. Here is a tutorial that explains how to create a very similar effect to what you are trying to achieve:

UE4 Tutorial 101 — Occlusion Outlines - YouTube

Its quite long, but its worth watching (40 mins).

Hope it helps. Make it a great day.

Thanks, that was exactly what I needed, kinda, the thing is I didn’t want any type of occlusion, but you can just plug the color by custom stencil instead of the color parameter of the unreal live training tutorial, I’ll leave it here:
And add the custom depth mask that this guy shows in his tutorial:

(Actually, you should add everything the guy adds in that tutorial, it makes the unreal live training material very configurable).
But yeah, mixing those 3 tutorials you’ll be able to achieve the outline effect as I wanted.