How would I set my post process material in UI widgets with no post process effect lost

I want to see custom stencil (RGB) colors in game play mode. For this need to set the post process material in UI sub-window. But when I try to set in UI, it always ask me to change the post process material domain to UI doamin. after doing that I lost my post process effect.

You only can apply PP* effect to a Retainer Box widget. Keep in mind it’s a render target widget, so it puts an additional strain to a render queue.

*It is still has to be an UI domain material

PP main purpose is to be used with PP volume or Camera. To use actual PP materials with the UMG you have to convert your widgets to a 3d ones.

@Newest,Thanks for the solution. I formed the retainer box to the images which are into UI domain. After I tried to add post process material under effect material under retainer box. but I still not able to see post process material effect on my images. Can you please tell me any other settings need to be done here?

Make sure your widgets are children of the Retainer Box.