Unhandled exception (with crash context) Looking for some insight.

Cant seem to understand why this is happening.

UE4Editor_UMG!FWidget3DSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements() [d:\build++ue4\sync\engine\source\runtime\umg\private\components\widgetcomponent.cpp:322]

Anyone care to shed some light on this?

Full crash text log here

The same happens to me, the same crash log. Are you dynamically changing the material of the widget component?

I did like in the picture, and it was crashing. Now I store the references of those materials on variables, and it hasn’t crashed since then. I am not marking this as an answer because I can’t confirm that the crash disappeared completely, but if you are doing the same, you can give it a shot.

It ended up being a serialization issue. I reset the material by clearing the variable and reapplying it. After that everything started working as expected.

Can you explain this in a bit more detail? What does “clearing the variable and reapplying it” mean? C++ or BP?