Spawn projectile by timer, if the timer is small,would the speed of the just spawned one messed up with last one?

spawn projectile by timer, if the timer is small,would the speed of the just spawned one messed up with last one?

like in the following pics, in the first one I spawned with timer 0.2 with some location and speed,
in the second one I record the projectile location and speed that hit a fixed mesh,

would the situation that the last one hit the mesh, but when I record the info within OnActionHit(mesh), the info that I recorded would be the newer spawned one that actually do not hit the fixed mesh.
maybe when the projectile hit the mesh, the newer spawned projectile is just shooting,

would that situation happen??

is there something like id of the projectile to distinguish between the projectiles that spawned?

there must be, causing if the life span of projectile is longer than timer, it stil can justify between them

am I right?