How do you save texture2D images to Game Instance?

Hello, I am having trouble trying to figure out how to get a texture2d image to save using game instance.
I want to have it so that when you

  1. click on a buy button in the Store , you purchase said weapon and image is added.
  2. you load up game level (another map) you then can cycle through said weapons and images show up.

I got other variables set up correctly using the game instance load and save. The issue I am having with the texture 2d is circled in light blue. It does not display in the game level, just white block no image. What am i doing wrong?

Thank you in advance.

Never Mind, I figured out how to get a texture 2d image to save to Game instance and load onto character. If you are wondering how to do it, just ask. I will gladly tell you how. Thanks.

Please tell me

That’s about the shittiest thing I’ve seen in ages. Why didn’t you just go ahead and explain it???

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