Unreal installation and storage space requirement

I am a new user of Unreal. I installed the program on Windows 7, and after using it for awhile I noticed that the C:/ partition was filling up very fast as I worked on my projects.

I store my projects on a storage device different than the one with Windows- does Unreal nevertheless write files related to a project to C:/ and if it does, can such a setting be changed?

I am upgrading to Windows 10. Is there any difference in the behavior explained above between the two Windows versions? Is there any rule of thumb about how much there should be free space on the C:/ partition for Unreal to work with, regardless of where projects are stored?

Hello ,

While going through first post moderation I noticed there was a random spam link in your otherwise-legit message.

Maybe there is some sort of virus that injects text into submitted forms?

I edited your post, just wanted to make you aware.


For your issue: look into Moving the DDC (Derived Data Cache)