How to get Highest score from Epic Leaderboard?

I am working on an endless running where any player can post their best time to an online leaderboard call Epic leaderboard ( At the beginning of the game, I want to get the username and score of the player with the highest score from Epic leaderboard and display it to Player HUD during gameplay.

In the demo widget (provided by Epic Leaderboard) I get the leaderboard entries and break them. from there I cast to game instance and set the player rank, username, and score.

In the game instance, I delay for 1 and print these variables but nothing is happening. I am not sure what i am doing wrong. Can anyone help?

There two possibilities - or your Event Init doesn’t fire, or your variables are empty. First you can check by putting breakpoint or print string with random text inside. Maybe 1 second delay isn’t enough.
Also - do you really want to get Index 1 from array? First element of array located on zero index.

I changed the index to 0 and added a print string, however, I am getting the following errors.

The info from this post helped me find a solution for this problem