Slow down Look At Rotation?

This is the basic OnSeePawn of a turret. They already pound me as soon as I’m around the corner which is a little too drastic. What can I put inbetween to give it a slower rotation and 1 second delay before shooting? My rookie combinations of Lerp and Finterp didn’t work, but I know it’s something of that kind. (Giving it a simple Delay would slow the firing rate down to 1 second etc.)

What you want is the RInterp To node.

Here is a quick and dirty example:

PS: this example should not be used, since it’s constantly making all the calculations. You should use a branch or something that stops the calculation once the rotation approaches the desired rotation.

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I only used Tick just to demonstrate how to use the node. If one would use the Tick function, then a gate or something would be required in order to improve performance.

Here is an example of the operation using a Timer instead:

Imagine that the “Y keypress” event is your OnSeePawn event.

Thanks! The question is, how do i do it? Reconstructing from this specific image didn’t work.

You asked for a slow rotation and I answer which node you should use: RInterp To.

  1. Feed the “target” of the node with your “Find Look at Rotation”
  2. connect the “current” pin with the current turret rotation (GetWorldRotation).
  3. connect “Get World Data Seconds” to Delta Time
  4. Ajust the rotation speed you want.
  5. exec the node until the “Find Look at Rotation” rotation and the current turret rotation are almost the same
  6. Once they are the same, start your firing procedures

I don’t think I need to rewrite the whole thing for Event Tick. Mine is coming from OnSeePawn, not Event Tick. Might take a full year to understand this, because my question was to hang something simple between SetActorRotation and Find Look At Rotation. So yeah, will take a long time to understand this.

Okay I see now, How simple is it to move the turret up slowly when they spot me? I tried to Lerp with a Timeline (Do Once), but they teleport. I will try from your Blueprint. Thanks!

Yeah the latter one worked - moving smoothly now.