Unable to render Custom stencil with translucent material applied

can’t see translucent object in custom stencil pass. plz help me about this issue

Any leads on this?

Adjust opacity mask clip value in material settings. Even though it is not in use for translucent material, it is for stencil pass.


This still doesn’t work for me. I did a material override of 0 and 1 for ‘opacity mask clip value’ in the material instances and none of my translucent objects will appear in a stencil layer in either setting. The only way they will ever appear is if I make the blend mode ‘opaque’ and not ‘translucent’, no matter whatever other variables I change.
Keep in mind I am rendering with PathTracer. Its also the same situation when using ObjectID(Cryptomatte) Matte IDs only show up when everything is set ‘opaque’ blend mode. No Matter the Opacity or Opacity clip mask settings.

Also I noticed with Path tracer is that ‘OwnerNoSee’ and ‘OnlyOwnerSee’ are also ignored. They work fine in regular deferred rendering though.

Man, doing translucent glass/plastic material product renders with Path Tracer has been a real pain in the butt setting up for a comp pass for photoshop. Just does not seem possible to get a translucent render with all correct reflection on alpha.

You can enable “Allow Custom Depth Writes” in the material parameters, it should work. I don’t know exactly what’s the trade off though.