I can't get pathfinding working


I’m having problems with certain pathfinding functions like: “Find Path to Location Synchronously”, “Find Path to Actor S.”, “Get Path Length” and so on.

Both actors are within NavMeshBounds, there is a clear, green path between them (~2-3 points expected), but no matter which function I use, I get Error, length=0, or points=0 (in case from presented screen).

What am I missing?

~Thanks in an advance

It’s just a blind guess but the problem might be in the NavMeshBoundsVolume referenced straight from the persistent level.
From what I gather this is more of a dynamic function you got there, so probably there’s a function that can check within what bounds of which NavMeshVolume currently the Pawn is.

I don’t understand Your point: this is just a test project with one level, so I think its OK for this value to be fixed (as there is only one volume).

within what bounds of which NavMeshVolume currently the Pawn is.
What Pawn? I just want to get a simple path between two locations, there are no pawns involved.