Online Multiplayer | how to display victory screen for last client/player alive and lose screen for others (Battle Royale Game)

Hey All,

We are making a simple battle royale game, we just need to make it so the last player alive gets a victory text displayed on the screen, while the others get a lose screen.

A rough step by step on how this would be done or a visual example would be great!

(We are using steam sdk for the multiplayer as well)

Many Thanks,

Well, i think you should do something like this:

  1. For Death event, make a check - if player count equals to 1(if the last player), and if true, call Multicast Event.

  2. In Multicast Event call a widget, depending on client state - if he’s dead, call one widget, if he’s alive, call another one. You also can just pass the parameter to the widget, and change widget content via variable.