Get travel direction based on mouse pointer location

Hi Dratone,

I would suggest using the node “Get Hit Result Under Cursor by Channel” that can be found in the PlayerController class. Then, have an invisible plane, with the matching channel name, extend horizontally with your ship to catch the trace. From there you’ll have a hit result that includes world space coordinates of the collision.

For trace examples see:

I’m running into a bit of a roadblock and I’m hoping you guys can help me.

I’ve got the following situation:

I’ve got a 3rd person camera, hovering some distance (this is variable considering the zoom ability) from the character ship.

The camera can orbit the character ship in any way so is not limited in any of the plane’s.

On click of the mouse, I need to calculate the direction that the mouse is pointing at from the camera’s perspective and move in that direction with the ship.

My question: How would I go about calculating what orientation my ship needs to be in to go there.